Revit Modelling India


The firm “Okland Construction” using the BIM modeling technology to getting more projects and being more competitive, technology-oriented companies found that there are benefits of BIM into various areas as well, importantly in which other Construction companies struggle every day is “Site-Safety”.

The statistics show that construction-injuries are very sobering, the total cost to a private firm for fatal and nonfatal injuries is estimated at around 15%. In fact, the injury rate is around 1 in every 10 site construction worker, this clearly signifies that the construction industries need to start performing better when it comes to ensuring job-site safety and companies using building information modeling technology is a great place to start.

How BIM Makes Job-Site safer:

Defining how this technology can be used to leverage to avoid hazards and help planning safer logistics and devices for the entire projects.

For example, firm A used BIM modeling on a project to build multiple systems of shared racks for performing the heating, plumbing, pre-manufacturing, cooling and other logistics that possibly is assembled on the central ground location and then hoisted into the job site. The pre-manufacture of shared rack systems helps in reducing the construction time and also ensuring the site-safety.

The Statistics shows how BIM improves site-safety:

Building Information Modelling allows teams to embed safety more accurately and efficiently into planning. For improving safety firms are looking into the model-based process.

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